9 October

This time, this time I am with my co-workers. They are all much older than I. Older in years, but emotionally we converse as equals. My assistant, Jennifer, is with me. I consider her to be my closest friend. About as close as impersonal co-workers can get after knowing each other for only one month. We are on the job site, just hanging out with the crew. Brandon is there, so are Sarah and Francis. I openly and shamelessly flirt with the boys. Sarah hates me. I am especially talkative with her brother. Maybe I want to spread my attentions around equally? Maybe I want to anger Sarah in flirting with her older brother? I am bored. I begin to feel weary about my actions, but they joke and tease me.
There is a gym that we are all trying to get into. It's in a residential area halfway up a steep hillside. There aren't any parking spaces, so we decide to park at the bottom of the incline and hike our way to the structure. I feel we are standing on pavement. I know we are getting ready. My senses toy with me.
I am crouching, or perhaps I am sitting. I am low to the ground. There is another girl nearby. I can't tell who she is. A skinny blonde boy joins us. Jennifer takes off her clothes. Underneath, she is wearing a sporty and shiny 80's outfit, like the type of annoying hispter fashions in an American Apparel catalog. She keeps talking about her boyfriend. I finally ask for his name. She says he is Brandon. I am in shock.
I feel completely embarrassed for shamelessly flirting with him in front of her. I'm also confused as to why she didn't say anything. I know their relationship is strong. He comes over to us and kisses her.
I am happy for them, and impressed by Jen's secrecy.
I still want to go to the gym.


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